General Review


QGPÀÇ Perturbation

Jet & Parton Enerty Loss

Elliptic Flow

Parton Coalescence


Recombination Model

Balance Function

E-by-E Fluctuation




Electromagnetic Probe




New Phases

Chiral Symmetry Restoration

In-medium Hadrons

General Review

[Lee74] T. D. Lee and G. C. Wick, "Vacuum stability and vacuum excitation in a spin-0 field theory", Phys. Rev. D 8 2291(1974) - ÇÙÀÇ dense matter¸¦ óÀ½ ¾ð±ÞÇÑ ³í¹®

[Gaz03] M. Gazdzicki et al., "Report from NA49", J. Phys., G30, S710~S708(2004),  arXiv:nucl-ex/0403023

[Phe02] Phenix Collaboration, "Suppression of Hadrons with Large Transverse Momentum in Central Au + Au Collisions at  ECM = 130 GeV", Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 022301(2002)

[Bac04] B. Back et al. [PHOBOS Collaboration], "The PHOBOS Perspective on Discoveries at RHIC",  Nuclear Physics, A757, 28~101(2005), arXiv:nucl-ex/0410022

[Adc04] S. Adcox et al. [PHENIX Collaboration], "Formation of dense partonic matter in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC: Experimental evaluation by the PHENIX collaboration", Nuclear Physics, A757, 184~283(2005), arXiv:nucl-ex/0410003

[Ars04] I. Arsene et al. [BRAHMS Collabration], "Quark Gluon Plasma an Color Glass Condensate at RHIC? The perspective from the BRAHMS experiment", Nuclear Physics, A757, 1~27(2005), arXiv:nucl-es/04100020

[Ada05] J. Adams et al. [STAR Collavration], "Experimental and Theoretical Challenges in the Search for the Quark Gluon Plaxma : The STAR Collabration's Critical Assessment of the Evidence from RHIC Collisions", Nuclear Physics, A757, 102~183(2005), arXiv: nucl-ex/0501009

[Jac04] P. Jacobs and Xin-Nian Wang, "Matter in extremis : ultrarelativistic nucler collisions at RHIC", Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 54, 443~534(2005), arXiv:hep-ph/0405125 (2004) - ÃÖ±Ù RHIC ½ÇÇèÀÇ summary

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[Won94] Cheuk -Yin Wong, "Inroduction to High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions", World Scientific Pub. Co. Inc. (December 1, 1994)

[Let02] Jean Letessier, Johann Rafelski, "Hadrons and Quark-Gluon Plasma", Cambridge University Press; 1st edition (June 15, 2002)

[Hwa90] Rudolph C. Hwa, "Quark-Gluon Plasma (Advanced Series on Directions in High Energy Physics, Vol. 6)", World Scientific Pub. Co. Inc. (August 1, 1990)

[Hwa95] Rudolph C. Hwa, "Quark-Gluon Plasma 2", World Scientific Pub. Co. Inc. (November 1, 1995)

[Hwa94] R. C. Hwa, X. N. Wang, "Quark-Gluon Plasma 3", World Scientific Pub. Co. Inc. (March 1, 2004)

[Shu04] Edward V. Shuryak, "The QCD Vacuum, Gadrons and Superdense Matter (World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics)", World Scientific Pub. Co. Inc.; 2nd edition (Octrober, 2004)

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  QGPÀÇ perturbation

[Bal05] Jean-Paul Blaizot, Edmond Iancu (Saclay), Anton Rebhan(Vienna, Tech. U.), "Thermodynamics of the high temperature Quark Gluon Plaxma", AIP Conf. Proc. 739, 63~96 (2005) also in Rio de Janeiro 2004, Hadron physics and relativistic aspects of nuclear physics 63~96, SACLAY-T03-26, TUW-03-04 (Mar. 2003), 63pp, Review for "Quark-Gluon Plasma 3", eds. R.C. Hwa and X.-N. Wang, World Scientific, Singapore. 63pp, 21 figures. v2: minor corrections and 2 references added, e-print Archive : hep-ph/0303185 

[Kra04] Ulrike Kraemmer, Anton Rebhan(Vienna, Tech. U.), "Advances in perturbative thermal field theory", Rept. Prog. Phys. 67, 351 (2004), TUW-03-32 (Oct. 2003), 82pp, e-print Archive : hep-ph/0310337

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  Jet & Parton Energy Loss

[Wan05] Xin-Nian Wang(LBL, Berkeley), "Discovery of jet Quenching and beyond", Nucl. Phys. A750, 98~120 (2005), LBNL-54745 (May 2004), 12pp, Talk given at Workshop on New Discoveries at RHIC: The Current Case for the Strongly Interactive QGP, Brookhaven, Upton, New York, 14~15 May 2004, e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0405017 

[Gyu03] Miklos Gyulassy(Columbia U.), Ivan Vitev(Iowa State U.), Xin-Nian Wang(LBL, Berkeley), Ben-Wei Zhang(Hua-Zhong Normal U.), "Jet Quenching and Radiative Energy Loss in Dense Nuclear Matter", Quark Gluon Plasma 3, editors: R.C. Hwa and X.N. Wang, World Scientific, Singapore. (Feb. 2003), 69pp, e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0302077

[Wan97] Xin-Nian Wang(LBL, Berkeley), "A pQCD-baded Approach to Parton Production and Equilibration in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions", Phys. Rept. 280, 287~371 (1997), LBL-38145 (May 1996), 109pp, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9605214

[Wan98] Xin-Nian Wang(LBL, Berkeley & Washington U., Seattle), "Effect of Jet Quenching on High
PT  Hadron spectra in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions", Phys. Rev. C58, 2321 (1998), DOE-ER-40561-4 (Apr. 1998), 26pp, e-Print Archive:hep-ph/9804357

[Wang98] Xin-Nian Wnag(LBL, Berkeley & Washington U., Seattle), "Where in the Jet Quenching in Pb+Pb Collisions at 158 AGeV?", Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 2655~2658 (1998), LBL-41727, LBNL-41727, DOE-ER-40561-4 (Apr. 1998) 4pp, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9804384

[Kra99] Alex Krasnitz(Algave U.), Raju Venugopalan(Bohr Inst.), "Non-perturbative computation of gluon mini-jet production in nuclear collisions at very high-energies", Nucl. Phys. B557, 237 (1999), NBI-98-21, UALG-TP-98-6 (Sep. 1998), 4pp, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9809433

[Bai00] R. Baier(Bielefeld U.), D. Schiff(Orsay, LPT), B. G. Zakharov(Landau Inst.), "Energy Loss In Perturvative QCD", Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 50, 37~69 (2000), BI-TP-2000-08, LPT-ORSAY-00-22 (Feb. 2000), 48pp, e-Print Archive: php-ph/0002198

[Djo04] Magdalena Djordjevic, Miklos Gyulassy(Columbia U.), "Heavy Quark Radiative Energy Loss in QCD Matter", Nucl. Phys. A733, 265~298 (2004), e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0310076

[Sal04] Carlos A. Salgado, Urs Achim Wiedemann(CERN), "Medium Modification of Jet Shapes and Jet Multiplicities", Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 042301 (2004), CERN-TH-2004-244 (Oct. 2003), 4pp, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0310079

[Mul05] Berndt Muller(Duke U.), Krishna Rajagopal(MIT, LNS), "From Entropy and Jet Quenching to Deconfinement?", MIT-CTP-3595 (Feb. 2005), 12pp, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0502174

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  Elliptic Flow

[Vol03] S. A. Voloshin(Wayne State U.), "Anisotropic folw", Nucl. Phys. A715, 379~388 (2003), Tali given at 16th International Conference on Ultrarelativisitc Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Quark Matter 2002 (QM 2002), Nantes, France (Jul. 18~24, 2002), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0210014

[Tan04] STAR Collaboration(Aihong Tang for the collaboration), "Directed and Elliptic Flow at RHIC", To appear in the proceedings of Hot Quarks 2004: Workshop for Young Scientists on the Physics of Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions(HQ'04), Taos Valley, New Mexico (Jul. 18~24, 2004), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0409029

[Ack01] STAR Collaboration(K. H. Ackermann et al.), "Elliptic flow in Au+Au collisions at GeV", Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 420~407 (2001), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0009011

[Adl01] STAR Collaboration(C. Adler et al.), "Identified Particle Elliptic Flow in Au+Au Collisions at GeV", Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 182301 (2001), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0107003

[Bac04] PHOBOS Collaboration(B. B. Back et al.), "Elliptic Flow in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC", Presented at Hot Quarks 2004: Workshop for Young Scientists on the Physics of Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions(HQ'04), Taos Valley, New Mexico (Jul. 18~24 2004), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0410008

[Adl03] PHENIX Collaboration(S. S. Adler et al.), "Elliptic Flow of Identified Hadrons in Au+Au Collisions at GeV", Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 182301 (2003), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0305013

[Sne04] STAR Collaboration(Raimond Snellings for the collaboration), "Elliptic flow measurements form STAR", Heavy Ion Phys. 21, 237~242 (2004), Prepared for 17th Les Rencontres de Physique de la ballee d'Aoste: Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics, La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy (Mar. 9~15, 2003), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0305001

[Alt03]  NA49 Collaboration(C. Alt et al.), "Directed and elliptic flow of charged pions and protons in Pb+Pb collisions at 40 and 158 A GeV", Phys. Rev. C68, 034903(2003), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0303001

[Tea01] D. Teaney, J Lauret, Edward V. Shuryak(SUNY, Stony Brook), "Flow at the SPS and RHIC as a Quark Gluon Plasma Signature", Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4783~4786 (2001), e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0011058

[Kol01] P. F. Kolb(CERN & Regensburg U. & Ohio State U.), P. Huovinen(LBL, Berkeley), Ulrich W. Heinz(CERN & Regensburg U. & Ohio State U.), H. Heiselberg(Nordita), "Elliptic Flow at SPS and RHIC: From Kinetic Transport to Hydrodynamics", Phys. Lett. B500, 232~240 (2001), CERN-TH-2000-368, LBNL-47191 (Dec. 2000), 7pp, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0012137

[Mol02] Denes Molnar(Columbia U. & Budapest, RMKI), Miklos Gyulassy(Columbia U. & Budapest, RMKI & Collegium Budapest), "Saturation of Elliptic Flow and the Transport Opacity of the Gluon Plasma at RHIC", Nucl. Phys. A697, 495~520(2002), Erratum-ibid. A703, 893~894 (2002), e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0104073

[Mol03] Denes Molnar(Ohio State U.), Sergei A. Voloshin(Wayne State U.), "Elliptic flow at large transverse momenta form quark coalescence", Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 092301 (2003), e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0302014

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  Parton Coalescence

[Gre03] V. Greco, C. M. Ko(Texas A-M), P. Levai(Texas A-M & Budapest, RMKI), "Parton coalescence and antiproton / pion anomaly at RHIC" Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 202302 (2003), e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0301093

[Grec03] V. Greco, C. M. Co(Texas A-M), P. Levai(Budapest, RMKI), "Parton coalescence at RHIC", Phys. Rev. C68, 034904 (2003), e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0305024

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[Kol03] Peter F. Kolb(SUNY, Stony Brook), Ulrich Heinz(Ohio State U.), "Hydrodynamic description of ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions", SUNY-NTG-03-06 (May 2003), 82pp, Invited review for 'Quark Gluon Plasma 3', Editors: R. C Hwa and X. N. Wang, World Scientific, Singapore., In Hwa. R. C. (ed.) et al.: Quark gluon plasma, 634~714, e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0305084

[Tea03] Derek Teaney(Brookhaven), "Effect of shear viscosity on spectra, elliptic flow, and Hanbury Brown-Twiss radii", Phys. Rev. C68, 034913 (2003)

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  Recombination Model

[Fri03] R. J. Fries, B. Muller, C. Nonaka(Duke U.), S. A. Bass(Duke U. & RIKEN BNL), "Hadronization in heavy ion collisions: Recombination and fragmentation of partons", Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 202303 (2003), DUKE-TH-03-233 (Jan. 2003) 4pp, e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0301087

[Frie03] R. J. Fries, B. Muller, C. Nonaka(Duke U.), S. A. Bass(Duke U. & RIKEN BNL), "Hadron production in heavy ion collisions: Fragmentation and recombination from a dense parton phase", Phys. Rev. C68, 044902 (2003), e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0306027

[Hwa04] Rudolph C. Hwa(Oregon U.), C. B. Yang(Oregon U. & Hua-Zhong Normal U.),
"Recombination of Shower Partons at High PT in Heavy-Ion Collisions", Phys. Rev. C70, 024905 (2004), OITS-744 (Jan. 2004), e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0401001

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  Balance Function

[Bas00] Steffen A. Bass, Pawel Danielewicz, Scott Pratt(Michigan State U. & Michigan State U., BSCL), "Clocking hadronization in relativistic heavy ion collisions with blance functions", Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2689~2692 (2000), e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0005044

[Ada03] STAR Collaboration(J. Adams et al.),
"Narrowing of the Balance Function with Centrality in Au+Au Collisions at GeV", Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 172301 (2003), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0301014

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E-by-E Fluctuation

[Jeo03] Sang-yong Jeon(McGill U. & RIKEN BNL), Volker Koch(LBL, Berkeley), "EVENT BY EVENT FLUCTUATIONS", R. C. Hwa (ed.) dt al.:Quark Gluon Plasma, 430~490 (Apr. 2003), To be published in Quark-Gluon Plasma 3, eds. R. C. Hwa and X. N. Wang, World Science Singapore. Chapter 1, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0304012

[Sak04] CERES/NA45 Collaboration(Hiroyuki Sako et al.) "Event by Event Fluctuations at 40, 80 and 158 A Gev/c in Pb+Au Collisions", J. Phys. G30, S1371~S1376 (2004), To appear in the proceedings of 17th International Conference on Ultra Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collision (Quark Matter, 2004), Oakland, California (Jan. 11~17 2004), e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0403037

[Ada03] STAR Collaboration(J. Adama et al.), "Event by event <Pt> fluctuations in Au-Au collisions at GeV",Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (Aug. 2003) 6pp, e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0308033

[Pru04] STAR Collaboration(Claude A. Pruneau for the collaboration), "Event by Event Net Charge Fluctuations", Heavy Ion Phys. 21, 261~266 (2004), To appear in the proceeding of 19th Winter Workshop no Nuclear Dynamics, Breckenridge, Colorado (Feb. 9~15 2003), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0304021 

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[Gei92] Klaus Geiger(Minnesota U.), "Thermalization in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions. ¥±. Entropy production and energy densities at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and tne CERN Large Hadron Collider", Phys. Rev. D46, 4986~5005 (1992), PRINT-92-0159 (MINESOTA), (Received May 1992), 58pp

[Bai01] R. Baier(Bielefeld U.), Alfred H. Muller(Columbia U.), D. Schiff(Orsay),  D. T. Son(Columbia U. & RIKEN BNL), "'Bottom up' thermalization in heavy ion collisions", Phys. Lett. B502, 51~58 (2001), e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0009237

[Hir02] Tetsufumi Hirano(Tokyo U.), "Is early thermalization achieved only near midrapidity at RHIC?", Phys. Rev. C65, 011901 (2002), e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0108004

[Hei02] Ulrich W. Heinz, Peter F. Kolb(Ohio State U.), "Early thermalization at RHIC", Nucl. Phys. A702, 269~280 (2002), Invited talk at International Symposium on Statistical QCD, Bielefeld, Germany (Aug. 26~30, 2001), e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0111075

[Hei05] Ulrich W. Heinz(Ohio State U.), "Thermalization at RHIC", AIP Conf. Proc. 739, 163~180 (2005), Invited talk presented at Hadron physics and relativistic aspects of nuclear physics 163~180, Rio de Janeiro 2004, e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0407067

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[Hei02] Ulrich W. Heinz, Peter F. Kolb(Ohio State U.), "Two RHIC puzziles: Early thermalization and the HBT problem", Proc. 18th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics (R. Bellwied, J. Harris, and W. Bauer, eds.), pp. 205-216, PPA=X245, EP Systema, Debrecen, Hungary (2002), Talk given at the 18th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Nassau, Bahamas ( Jan 20-27, 2002) [to appear in the proceedings (W. Bauer et al., eds.) in Heavy Ion Physics] e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0204061 

[Hei99] Ulrich W. Heinz(CERN & Regensburg U.), Barabara V. Jacak(SUNY, Stony Brook), "Two Particel Correlations in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions", Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 49, 529~579 (1999), CERN-TH-99-26 (Feb. 1999) 44pp

[Tom02] Boris Tomasik, Urs Achim Wiedemann(CERN), "Central and Non-central HBT from AGS to RHIC", CERN-TH-2002-214 (Oct. 2002), 61pp, Invited review for "Quark Gluon Plasma 3", 715~777, eds. R.C.Hwa and X.-N.Wang, World Scientific extended discussion of non-central HBT, minor corrections to improve clarity, updated references, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0210250

[Ada04] STAR Collaboration(J. Adams et al.), "Azimuthally Sensitive HBT(Hanbury Brown-Twiss) Interferometry in Au+Au Collisions at GeV", Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 012301 (2004), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0312009

[Adam04] STAR Collaboration(J. Adams et al.), "Point interferometry in Au+Au collisions at GeV", Submitted to Phys. Rev. C (Nov. 2004), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0411036

[Mag05] Dan Magestro(Ohio State U.), "HBT: A (mostly) experimental overview", J. Phyw. G31, 265~272 (2005), To appear in the proceedings of 17th International Conference on Ultra Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions(Quark Matter 2004), Oaklans, California (Jan. 11~17, 2004), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0408014

[Ren04] Thorsten Renk(Munich, Tech. U.), "Why a long-lived fireball can be compatible with HBT measurements", Phys. Rev. C69, 044902 (2004), TUM-T39-03-30 (Oct. 2003), 11pp, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0310346

[Hei04] Ulrich W. Heinz(Ohio State U.), "Emission angle dependence of HBT radii: Theoretical background and interpretation", Acta Phys. Polon. B35, 29~36 (2004), To appear in the proceedings of 23rd International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics(ISMD 2003), Cracow, Poland (Sep. 5~11, 2003), e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0311048

[Soc04] O. Socolowski Jr., F. Grassi, Y. Hama(Sao Paulo U.), T. Kodama(Rio de Janeiro Federal U.), "Fluctuations of the Initial Conditions and the Continuous Emission in Hydrodaynamic Description of Two-Pion Interferometry", Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 182301 (2004), e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0405181 

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[Mun03] Prter Braun-Munzinger(Darmstadt, GSI), Krzysztof Redlich(Bielefeld U. & Wroclaw U.), Johanna Stachel(Heidelberg U.), "PARTICLE PRODUCTION IN HEAVY ION COLLISIONS", To appear in Quark Gluon Plasma 3, eds. R. C. Hwa and Xin-Nian Wang, World Scientific Publishing, 491~599, e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0304013

[Mun04] P. Braun-Munziger(Darmstadt, GSI), J. Stachel, Christof Wetterich(Heidelberg U.), "Chemical Freezeout and the QCD Phase Transition Temperature", Phys. Lett. B596, 61~69 (2004), GSI-PREPRINT-2003-34 (Nov. 2003), 7pp, e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0311005

[Bar04] STAR Collaboration(Olga Barannikova for the collaboration), "Freeze-out dynamics at RHIC", To appear in the proceedings of the 20th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, held in Trelawny Beach, Jamaica in March 15~20, 2004, e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0408022

[Bro05] Gerald E. Brown(SUNY, Stony Brook), Chang-Hwan Lee(Pusan Natl. U.), Mannque  Rho(Saclay & Hanyang U.), "Chemical Equilibration in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions", Nucl.Phys. A747, 530~563 (2005), e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0405114

[Ret04] Fabrice Retiere(LBL, Berkeley), Michael Annan Lisa(Ohio State U.), "Observable implications of geometrical and dynamical aspects of freeze-out in heavy ion collisions", Phys. rev. C70, 044907 (2004), e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0312024

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Electromagnetic probe

[Rap00] R. Rapp(SUNY, Stony Brook), J. Wambach(Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.), "Chiral Symmetry Restoration and Dileptons in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions", Adv. Nucl. Phys. 25, 1 (2000), SUNY-NTG-99-29 (Sep. 1999), 164pp, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9909229

[Abr00] NA38 Collaboration and NA50 Collaboration(M.C. Abreu et al.), "Dimuon and charm production in nucleus-nucleus aollisions at the CERN-SPS", Eur. Phys. J. C, 14, 443-455 (2000), CERN-EP-2000-012 (Feb. 2000), 25pp

[Pei02] Thomas Peitzmann(Munster U.), Markus H. Thoma(Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE), "Direct Photons from Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions", Phys. Rept. 364, 175~546 (2002), e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0111114

[Rey04] PHENIX Collaboration(Klaus Reygers for the collaboration), "Direct-Photon Production from SPS to RHIC Energies", Submitted to Eur. Phys. J. C, To appear in the proceedings of International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High Energy Nuclear Collisions(HP 2004), Ericeira, Portugal (Nov. 4~10, 2004), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0502018

[Ada04] STAR Collaboration(j. Adams et al.), "Photon and neutral pion production in Au+Au collision at GeV", Phys. Rev. C70, 044902 (2004), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0401008

[Ada03] CERES/NA45 Collaboration(D. Adamova et al.), "Enhanced Production of Low-Mass Electron-Positron Pairs in 40 AGeV Pb-Au Collisions at the CERN SPS", Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 042301 (2003), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0209024

[Rap00] Ralf Rapp, Edward V. Shuryak(SUNY, Stony Brook), "Thermal Dilepton Radiation at Intermediate Masses at the CERN-SpS", Phys. Lett. B473, 13~19 (2000), SUNY-NTG-99-30 (Sep. 1999), 6pp, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9909348

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[Koc86] P. Koch, B. Muller, J. Rafelski(Cape Town U. & Frankfrut U. & Darmstadt, GSI), "Strangeness in relativistic heavy ion collisions", Phys. Rept. 142, 167~262 (1986), GSI-86-7, UCT-TP-41-86, UCT-TP-29-1985 (Feb. 1986), 180pp

[And99] WA97 Collaboration(E. Andersen et al.), "Strangeness enhancement at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at 158A GeV/C", Phys. Lett. B449, 410~406 (1999), CERN-EP-99-029, CERN-EP-99-29 (Jan. 1999), 9pp

[Adl02] STAR Collaboration(C. Adler et al.), "Mid-rapidity Lambda and Anti-lambda  Production in Au+Au Collisions at   GeV", Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 092301(2002), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0203016

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[Vog99] R. Vogt(LBL, Berkeley & UC, Berkeley, Astron. Dept.), "J/¥× production and suppression", Phys. Rept. 310, 197~260 (1999)

[Adl04] PHENIX Collaboration(S. S. Adler et al.), "J/¥×  production from proton-proton collision at GeV", Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 051802 (2004), e-Print Archive: hep-ex/0307019

[Adle04] PHENIX Collaboration(S. S. Adler et al.), "J/¥× Production in Au-Au Collisions at GeV at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider", Phys. Rev. C69, 014901 (2004), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0305030

[Lin00] Zi-wei Lin, C. M. Ko(Texas A-M), "Model for J/¥× absorption in hadronic matter", Phys. Rev. C63, 034903 (2000), e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9912046

[Gra02] L. Grandchamp(SUNY, Stony Brook & Lyon, IPN), R. Rapp(SUNY, Stony Brook), "Charmonium Suppression and Regeneration from SPS to RHIC", Nucl. Phys. A709, 415~439 (2002), e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0205305

[And03] A. Andronic, P. Braun-Munzinger(Darmstadt, GSI), K. Redlich(Bielefeld U. & Wroclaw U.), J. Stachel(Heidelberg U.), "Statistical hadronizatio of charm in heavy-ion collisions at SPS, RHIC ans LHC", Phys. Lett. B571, 36~44 (2003), e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0303036

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[Kha01] Dmitri Kharzeev(Brookhaven), Marzia Nardi(Turin U. & INFN, Turin), "Hadron production in nuclear collisions at RHIC and high density QCD", Phys. Lett. B507, 121~128 (2001), e-Print Archive: nudl-th/0012025

[Khar01] Dmitri Kharzeev(Brookhaven), Eugene Levin(Tel Aviv U.), "Manifestations of High Density QCD in the first RHIC data", Phys. Lett. B523, 79~87 (2001), BNL-NT-01-18 (Aug. 2001), 16pp, e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0108006

[Mue02] A. H. Mueller, D. N. Triantafyllopoulos(Columbia U.), "The Energy Dependence of the Saturation Momentum", Nucl. Phys. B64, 331~350 (2002), CU-TP-1057 (May 2002), 29pp, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0205167

[Kha03] Dmitri Kharzeev(Brookhaven), Eugene Levin(Tel Aviv U. & DESY), Larry Mclerran(Brookhaven), "Parton saturation and Npart scaling of semi-hard processes in QCD", Phys. Lett. B561, 93~101 (2003)

[Bai03] Rudolf Baier(Bielefeld U. & Washington U., Seattle), Alexander Kovner(Plymouth U., Math. Stat. Dept. & Washington U., Seattle), Urs Achim Wiedemann(CERN & Washington U., Seattle), "Saturation and parton level Cronin effect: enhancement vs suppression of gluon production in p-A and A-A collisions", Phys. Rev. D68, 054009 (2003), BI-TP-2003-12, CERN-TH-2003-116 (May 2003), 19pp, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0305265

[Adl02] STAR Collaboration(C. Adler et al.), "Centrality dependence of highPT hadron suppression in Au+Au collisions at GeV", Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 202301 (2002), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0206011

[Adc03] PHENIX Collaboration(K. Adcox et al.), "Centrality Dependence of the HighPT Charged Hadron Suppression in Au+Au Collisions at GeV", Phys. Lett. B561, 82~92 (2003), e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0207009

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  New Phases

[Ian03] Edmond Iancu(Saclay), Raju Venugopalan(Brookhaven), "The Color Glass Condensate and High-Energy Scattering in QCD", Review for QGP3, Eds. R. C. Hwa and X. N. Wang, World Scientific., In Hwa, R. C. (ed.) et al,: Quark gluon plasma, 249~3363 (Mar. 2003), 107pp, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0303204

[Ven04] Raju Venugopalan(Brookhaven & Bielefeld U.), "The Color Glass Condensate: A summary of key ideas and recent developments", Lectures given at 19th Annual Hampton University Graduate Studies Summer School(HUGS at JLab 2004), Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia, 1~18 (Jun. 2004), e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0412396

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