HIM Bulletin 2006-09
Special edition for the Workshop : Relativistic Heavy Ion Collision : Present and Future)

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1. HIM 2006-09 : "Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions : Present and Future" was successfully held at KIAS with following participants :

* 31 Prof. / PhD.(Alphabetically ordered)


Taekeun CHOI
(Yonsei Univ.)

(Pusan National Univ.)

Insik HAHN
(Ewha Womans Univ.)

(Univ. of Tokyo)

Byungsik Hong
(Korea Univ.)

Dong-Won JUNG

Ju-Hwan KANG
(Yonsei Univ.)

Eun-Joo KIM
(Chonbuk National Univ.)

Sang Pyo KIM
(Kunsan National Univ.)

Youngman KIM

Tetsuji KIMURA

Pyungwon KO

Chang Hwan LEE
(Pusan National Univ.)

Hyun Kyu LEE
(Hanyang Univ.)

Kang Seog LEE
(Chonnam National Univ.)

Su-Houng LEE
(Yonsei Univ.)

(Hanyaing Univ.)

Inkyu PARK
(Seoul National Univ.)

Tae-Sun PARK

Mannque RHO
(Saclay, Pusan National Univ.)

Yunseok SEO
(Hanyang Univ.)

Ghi Ryang SHIN
(Andong National Univ.)

Kwang-Souk SIM
(Korea Univ.)

Sang Jin SIN
(Hanyang Univ.)

Chaejun SONG
(KRF & Pusan National Univ.)

(Heidelberg Univ.)

Jang-Kwan WOO
(Univ. of Seoul)

Xiao-Hong WU

Ho-Ung YEE

In-Kwon YOO
(Pusan National Univ.)

Rongjiang Hu
(Korea Univ.)


* 17 Students (Alhpabetically ordered)

Min Kyu CHOI
(Univ. of Seoul)

Kyung-Un CHOI
(Pusan National Univ.)

(Chonnam National Univ.)

Tae Il HEO

Min Jung JIN
(Pusan National Univ.)

Kwang Hyun JO
(Hanyang Univ.)

(Univ. of Seoul)

Byung Il KIM
(Korea Univ.)

Hyun Chul KIM
(Korea Univ.)

Jun Il KIM
(Seoul National Univ.)

Jung-Han KIM
(Pusan National Univ.)

Kwang Sung KIM
(Univ. of Seoul)

Sun Man KIM
(Seoul National Univ.)

Jinwoo PARK
(Univ. of Seoul)

Sang Nam PARK
(Univ. of Seoul)

MinSang Ryu
(Korea Univ.)

Young Ho SONG
(Seoul National Univ.)

Jun-Gyu YI
(Pusan National Univ.)

2. All presentations given at the HIM 2006-09 are uploaded on the HIM-web server for all, who may be interested in HIM.

3. There was an internal discussion arranged for all HIM members, who are interested in the LHC Heavy Ion Program. As its result, Expressions of Interest for an experimental program (CMS or ALICE) are now in process of collecting (Contact Person for the CMS : Prof. Byungsik HONG / Contact person for the ALICE : Prof. Dowon KIM).

4. For an introduction to the CMS Heavy Ion Program, Dr. Bolek Wyslouch will visit Korea on Nov. 23, 2006, Thursday. there will be arranged a Colloqium-like lecture of Dr. Bolek in Korea Univ. The detailed program will be announced later by Prof. Byungsik HONG.


5. All HIM-activities in 2006 will be summarized and discussed in the next HIM 2006-12 as well as the new year's plan. HIM is now facing on the new arrangement with new activities like HIM-CMS, HIM-ALICE or HIM-TH in 2007, which will be suggested in the HIM 2006-12 :

      Date  : December, 15 (Friday) 2006

      Place : Pusan National University


Please, reserve the date for the HIM 2006-12. The detailed program will be announced on the HIM-web site(http://him.phys.pusan.ac.kr/~him)