is something magical about how HIM started and how it
continues to spark enthusiasm among the young Korean physicists. It illustrates
beautifully what spontaneity and innovativeness rendered by flexibility can do
to stimulate a sense of excitement in doing something one likes to do.
to the Korea Institute for Advanced Studies (KIAS) in 1998 with the objective
to help bring the level of pure science to the world¡¯s forefront, I directed my
effort toward generating fresh activities in theoretical studies of strongly
interacting matter under extreme conditions believed to be present in the Early
Universe and in compact stars. The first effort along this line was then made
to bring relativistic heavy ion physics and compact star physics into one
discipline called ¡°astro-hadron physics,¡± a domain
which had been up to then largely unexplored but for which some Korean
physicists had made significant pioneering contributions. This was effectuated
in the form of workshops, gathering a number of world¡¯s leading workers in
astrophysics and astronomy as well as those working in the areas of RHIC/BNL
(upcoming) and of LHC/CERN (in construction) To my great disappointment,
however, this effort was frustrated and eventually thwarted by the lack of
support from KIAS¡¯ higher echelon members. It is at this junction that
a number of activities that I initiated at Hanyang,
there are two that have something crucial to do with the HIM and related
activity. Since late 1990¡¯s, there was in the air the possibility of Korean
physicists joining in an active collaboration at CERN in relativistic heavy ion
physics, in particular at the ALICE detector. This possibility was first
proposed jointly by Juergen Schukraft,
is also a purely theoretical spin-off of the Hanyang
fund which should be mentioned. Shortly after the first HIM gathering, another small workshop was organized in
the same month at Hanyang -- funded by the same source -- by Sang-Jin
Sin of the Physics Department on ¡°QCD and string theory¡± to which a number of
active QCD field theorists and string theorists world-wide were brought
together. It was there that certain first startling observations of RHIC
experiments were discussed in terms of gauge-gravity duality, presaging the
present explosive development on ¡°new states of matter¡± in hot/dense medium in
both heavy-ion and string theory communities. Indeed the remarkable
jet-quenching phenomenon was explained for the first time in terms of AdS/CFT by Sang-Jin Sin in that meeting as well as in the
first HIM meeting. I like to consider this approach to the field as ¡°initiated¡± at Hanyang and in
sorts of spontaneity and flexibility that brought about the HIM and associated
developments are unimaginable in rigid bureaucratic systems prevalent in the
country. The possible exception could have been found in KIAS where such
road-blocks were purported to be lifted so as to generate a free and innovative
atmosphere for research. I believe that that objective is misplaced and
unobtainable in the present condition as illustrated by the futility
encountered by my five-year effort there. What Hanyang
offered out of ordinary is an apt example that an innovative idea can and does
lead to an unexpected progress.
Saclay, in July 2006 Mannque Rho